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Conference held in Niš -presentation of the research "The phenomenon of mass claims"

April 20, 2021

In its premises in Niš and through the Zoom platform, the Coalition Judicial Base South held an expert hybrid conference on April 20, 2021, at which the research "The Phenomenon of Mass Claims" was presented. The discussion was followed online by attorneys at law, judges, prosecutors, state institutions, international organizations, intergovernmental organizations, non-profit organizations, prominent experts, educational institutions, and the media.

The issue of mass claims brings legal, financial, and ethical aspects and leads to inevitable negative consequences, both for the judiciary and for all citizens of Serbia. Namely, until the emergence of mass claims against banks, in all previous cases, budget institutions were sued. The plaintiffs were victorious in most cases, so the costs of the lawsuits were borne by the defendant (which was usually a state/public institution). Therefore, the costs of the lost lawsuits were borne by the state. No one knows the total number of these cases and how much they cost the state budget, but it is estimated that it could be several hundred million euros. You can find here more information about the conference, the research text, and the conference recording.

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