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Coalition's Program Council Meeting

Niš, 19.10.2023.

At the meeting of the Program Council of the Judiciary Base South (PBJ) coalition, they discussed the ongoing research that the coalition is conducting and plans for 2024. In addition to members of the Program Council, other prominent coalition members attended the meeting.

Attorney at law Nebojša Stanković, reported about the work on the research "Exemption of court experts in civil proceedings and dismissal of experts." It was pointed out that the issue of court experts is one of the areas in which intervention is necessary to suppress mass claims /lawsuits.

Professor Nevena Petrušić, who leads the research "The work of municipal state attorneys," informed the participants about the research activities and pointed out how the insufficient capacities of local attorneys' offices fail to deal with mass lawsuits.

Bojana Arsenijević, a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law in Niš, emphasized the necessity that, as a continuation of the research on the disciplinary responsibility of the attorneys at law and bar associations that she and Professor Petrušić conducted in 2021, work on informing citizens about what they can do in cases when they are dissatisfied with the work of their attorney.

Public prosecutor Andrija Ivić pointed out the need to investigate the abuse of procedural powers in criminal proceedings. Ivan Grujić, director of the Association agency, suggested that in 2024, we should deal with the absence of appropriate judicial protection of consumer rights and the shortcomings of the current framework for out-of-court settlement of disputes in the case of consumer disputes.

Mihajlo Stojković, editor-in-chief of the InfoVranjska portal, asked whether the parking fine collection system in Vranje contains possible abuses and corrupt elements.

The meeting participants agreed that the misuse of the law for access to information to fabricate new mass lawsuits is causing significant damage in the South and that this is a topic that we must particularly address in 2024.

The meeting was led by Mihajlo Čolak, program director of the Committee for Human Rights Niš, and attorneys at law  Stefan Vlatković and Miodrag Jovanović, judge Dejan Stamenković, president of the Committee for Human Rights Niš Dragan Đorđević and lawyer of the Committee Maja Kamenov also participated in the discussion.

Judicial Base South

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